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If you’re pitching for funding, include a Chief of Staff.

When you’re pitching for funding, of course, you are presenting all the bells and whistles of your amazing business in an effort to persuade investors. But what a lot of investors find compelling (and is often omitted from the Pitch Deck) is the stewardship of the funding they invest. Including that an allocation of their investment will be to hire a Chief of Staff to work alongside the CEO certainly adds a sense of comfort to investors that their funds will be well managed. In fact, we’ve had Boards insist that a Chief of Staff be hired to help the CEO manage the deployment of the initiatives outlined in their Pitch.

As an entrepreneur, you might be wondering, “Why would I need a Chief of Staff? Isn’t that just for large corporations?” The truth is, a Chief of Staff can be an invaluable asset for businesses of all sizes, especially when you’re in the process of securing funding. Let me explain why.

The Role of a Chief of Staff

A Chief of Staff is a high-level executive who acts as a strategic partner to the CEO, helping to manage the day-to-day operations of the business and ensure that the CEO can focus on the big-picture vision and strategic initiatives. They serve as a trusted advisor, a sounding board, and a problem-solver, taking on a wide range of responsibilities to support the CEO and the overall organization.

Some of the key responsibilities of a Chief of Staff include:

  • Helping to set and execute the CEO’s priorities and strategic agenda
  • Serving as a liaison between the CEO and the rest of the organization
  • Identifying and addressing potential roadblocks or challenges
  • Coordinating cross-functional projects and initiatives
  • Providing high-level operational support.
  • Representing the CEO in meetings and on external engagements
  • Analyzing data and providing insights to inform decision-making

The Benefits of Hiring a Chief of Staff

So, why should you consider hiring a Chief of Staff when you’re pitching for funding? Here are a few key benefits:

1. Improved Operational Efficiency

By having a dedicated executive who can manage the day-to-day operations of the business, the CEO can focus on the strategic vision and long-term growth of the company. This can lead to faster decision-making, more effective execution, and ultimately, better results for the business.

2. Stronger Governance and Oversight

Investors want to know that their money is being well-managed and that there are robust systems and processes in place to ensure accountability and transparency. A Chief of Staff can help to provide that level of governance and oversight, giving investors greater confidence in the stewardship of their investment.

3. Enhanced Communication and Coordination

A Chief of Staff can serve as a central hub for communication and coordination within the organization, ensuring that information flows smoothly and that everyone is aligned on the company’s priorities and initiatives. This can be particularly important as a business scales and becomes more complex.

4. Improved Investor Relations

Investors are not just looking for a great business idea and a talented team – they also want to know that their investment will be well-managed and that the company has the right systems and processes in place to ensure success. By highlighting the role of the Chief of Staff in your pitch, you can demonstrate to investors that you have a solid plan for managing the deployment of their funds and driving the business forward.

By highlighting the role of the Chief of Staff in your pitch and demonstrating that you have the right person in place to manage the deployment of the investor’s funds, you can give them greater confidence in the long-term success of your business.

In conclusion, including information about the Chief of Staff in your funding pitch can be a powerful way to demonstrate to investors that you have a solid plan for managing their investment and driving the business forward. 

So, as you prepare your funding pitch, be sure to include a Chief of Staff and how they will be a key part of your team. It could be the difference between securing the funding you need and missing out on a valuable opportunity.